延壽校 | 安和校 | 大直校 | 重慶校

The micro:bit expansion board Nexus:bit is specifically designed for robot programming, integrating motor/servo controllers as well as various sensor modules, including microphone and ultrasonic distance detector. It reduces complex wirings when you assemble your robot!

Nexus:bit is small for its size, has power safty features and already attain CE/FCC/RoHS cerfications. You can control Nexus:bit by simply using micro:bit’s official and free editor MakeCode, which makes it an ideal choice to learn coding on NexusBot, the transformer robot.

3 Features of Nexus:bit
With a built-in lithium battery and power safty features, Nexus:bit is powerful yet safe to use.
Nexus:bit is equipped with various modules and full edge connectors/breakout pins, providing complete and easy learning experience for beginners.
You can use Microsoft’s standard MakeCode editor or the dedicated extension/package developed by TCEA (Taiwan Coding Education Association).

Specifications of Nexus:bit

  • 18650 lithium battery holder/charger
  • Reverse power protection
  • 12 servo pins / 2 DC motor pins
  • a onboard RGB LED, buzzer, vibrator motor and microphone (sound level meter)
  • full breakout pins of micro:bit with additional I2C/SPI pins
  • Mini joystick board; the slot can also be used to install a HC-SR04 ultrasonic sensor
  • Can be powered by external 5V USB power as well
  • Independent onboard power switch
MakeCode Extension for Nexus:bit

Microsoft’s MakeCode graphic editor is already powerful enough, but it also allows users to develop their own custom extension to re-packaging complex functions into simple blocks. Just click and drag those blocks and kids can do coding on them! This is why TCEA designed an extension specifically for Nexus:bit. (You can still control your Nexus:bit by using standard MakeCode blocks, not limited by our custom extension.)
(To use this extension, go to the MakeCode editor and click Advanced -> Extension... then enter "nexusbit" in the search box. Click the extension which appears to import it.)